Welcome to Library Technology Service’s occasional newsletter for anyone interested in Harvard Library IT.
Change Management Primer
Change is constant, yet navigating it successfully can be a significant challenge. Organizational Change Management (OCM), also known as Change Management, is critical in ensuring smooth transitions and user adoption. Whether implementing new technologies or optimizing processes, change management is essential for success.
Starting this month, we moved into the second phase of implementation, which includes approximately 150 resources that will migrate from EZProxy to OpenAthens. These resources were prioritized because the method they use for authentication is based on IP addresses. OpenAthens will provide more security because it relies on single-sign on, rather than IP address for authentication. Currently, we are configuring these resources and will continue testing through January and February with a tentative plan to go live in March over spring break. A full list of resources in this phase will be made available soon. Please look to the OpenAthens page on the LTS wiki for updates.
Chinese Rare Books
In collaboration with the Harvard Yenching Library, the National Library of China, and Taiwan's Academia Sinica, the Library Technology Services (LTS) team is committed to enhancing access to and unlocking the knowledge in the Chinese Rare Books collection, which is among CURIOSity’s most heavily used site. Our joint effort aims to enable full-text search capabilities across the entire collection.