For 4) those outside our collecting scope, consult your team lead (some may be sent to other libraries within Harvard or elsewhere, some may be placed in the Schlesinger Book Sale, and some may be discarded), who can help determine whether they should be discarded or offered to other Harvard Libraries. If you think they are of significant research value to another repository, give them to Book curator Marylene Altieri and she will offer the titles to the correct Harvard librarian or bibliographer.
There are also other constructed collections into which newsletters and other print material may fall. See the constructed collections document under G:Schlesinger/Collection Services. Specifically, Pr-3 (NARAL state affiliates printed material), Pr-8 (Commissions on the Status of Women collection), and Pr-16 (Pro-life newsletter and periodical collection) http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:RAD.SCHL:sch01376 may be useful in determining what to do with such print or near print material.