Ephemera (printed material that generally does not have a title and author, often brochures or advertising material) which is not directly related to your collection, but seemingly suitable for preservation at the library, should be given to Cat Holbrook. After meeting with the Head of Collection Services, Cat will folder the approved material, add it to the Feminist Ephemera Collection or another constructed collection, and update the finding aid and bib record (when necessary for added entries, including any author/title entries designated by the Head of Collection Services). If you're not sure what kinds of things constitute ephemera, check out the finding aid (http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:RAD.SCHL:sch01258), or ask Cat.
An example Examples of a detailed Separation Record, should you need to see one, is in the Additional Records of NOW: htpp://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:RAD.SCHL:sch01385Separation Records:
Additional Records of NOW (it is unnecessary to record every single issue of a periodical as is done here; a general date range is fine)
An updated workflow procedure was elaborated in December 2014. Read it here.