- Extent: analog:
- Is feet spelled out?
- Separate extent tags for space occupied and container summary (one physdesc tag)
- Do not use a 0 in front of a decimal (i.e use .63 instead of 0.63)
- Extent: digital content:
- Use altrender attribute with whole for analog and part for digital
- For digital, megabytes and files in separate extent tags
- Extent: AV collections: all separate physdesc tags with atrender altrender “part” attributes (<physdesc altrender="part"><extent>404 videotapes</extent></physdesc>)
- Are there extra spaces in tags? Search [blank space]</ in plain view.
- Processinfo: Do not mark up date or name of processor
- Acquinfo: Do not mark up accession number or name of donor
- Preferred citation: use only inclusive dates
- Related material: Use <relatedmaterial> not <separatedmaterial> for all
- Are there other finding aids (addenda, audio or video) that should be linked?
- Check URNs to see if they are updated to ASpace For HOLLIS: Use permalink (example: http://id.lib.harvard.edu/aleph/008303611/catalog)
- Arrangement: do not list subseries.
- Check all external references (hrefs) to see if they work
- Are smart quotes used? Search entire document: ’ “ ”
- Are long dashes used? Search entire document: —
- Are extrefs (hrefs) filled in and do they work?
- Do not use lists or chronlists