Physical Processing
House as appropriate.
Second copies
of items
- General Sisters of Life books and periodicals: If Harvard Library has 1 or more copies, do NOT add a 2nd copy even if Schlesinger does not own. Mark as DUPE (with a slip) and when a Paige box is full of dups, give to Marylene to review.
- VOLCOM books and periodicals: If Schlesinger has 1 copy, add a second copy only if autograph, annotation, or inscription adds contextual importance or further provenance. Otherwise, mark as DUPE (with a slip) and when a Paige box is full of dups, give to Marylene
- .
Holdings record
541 0/ $$c Gift; $$a Sisters of Life, $$d 2021.
562 // $$a Spine label on book has local classification scheme from Dr. Joseph R. Stanton Human Life Issues Library and Resource Center.
Bibliographic record
*from Dr. Joseph R. Stanton Human Life Issues Library and Resource Center.
Bibliographic record
Add the following note to book bib records when a VOLCOM book is not retained. Do NOT add note to periodical titles.
500 // $$a A duplicate copy of this title was part of the Sisters of Life Value of Life VOLCOM Collection, but was not retained.
Add to all books and periodicals:
710 2/ $$a Dr. Joseph R. Stanton Human Life Issues Library and Resource Center, $$e former owner. $$5 sch
For books in VOLCOM collection , only: in addition to, 710 2/ $$a Dr. Joseph R. Stanton Human Life Issues Library and Resource Center, $$e former owner. $$5 sch
ADD: *710 2/ $$a Value of Life Committee (VOLCOM), $$e former owner. *AUTHORITIES need to be created by Jonathan $$5 sch
Center for Sex and Culture
Second copies
Mark search slip as DUPE and give to Marylene.