See this checklist in printable form.
- Ask Paula where to shelve cartons while awaiting end processing. When shelving cartons, keep the following in mind:
-shelve cartons together and in order (cartons should always have lids)
-do not put oversize boxes on the shelf (they are too big); shelve folio+ boxes sideways so they don't disturb boxes in other aisles; shelve oversized folders on the gray shelving unit on the 3rd floor
-make sure you aren't filing your collection in the middle of a collection
- Paula will contact you concerning an end processing meeting (it may take several months). At the meeting, be prepared to talk to EPA and Johanna Paula about any special issues, etc.
- Check cross-references within finding aid
- Check box and folder# spans in series titles, arrangement tag
- Review and complete extent and access sections
- Give finding aid to team leader one more time for review of numbering, etc.
- Move the xml file back to your own folder and DELETE it from the Manuscripts/End Processing Assistant SharePoint folder when you have finished with the finding aid
- Once the finding aid is returned from your team leader, email Paula to let her know she can now move the collection to HD.