At the Schlesinger Library, the Manuscripts Department is developing language and best practices for creating or updating description and will be documenting how and where to incorporate identity description in finding aids and catalog records. Below are some examples of processing notes.
The Papers of Dorothy Height: This finding aid contains the outdated term “Negro” in the names of organizations, book titles, reports, and audiovisual material. Schlesinger archivists may choose to retain outdated, offensive or harmful language in archival description under the following circumstances: 1) such language is an original term used in the archival material being described; 2) reflects historical and/or contextual value; 3) aligns with the preferences of the creator or donor and; 4) facilitates discovery and access.
Reparative work on legacy finding aids
When finding aid description of legacy finding aids have been revised, the archivist will include a processing note to detail the work that was done. If the finding aid was significantly edited, we recommend keeping a copy of the original finding aid to track the changes. However, when a description of the edits can be easily captured in a processing note (e.g. outdated terminology was replaced with a new term), the original finding aid does not need to be retained.
Example of a processing note for the Pauli Murray finding aid:
In November 2022 Laura Peimer revised this finding aid by adding description addressing Pauli Murray's gender and sexuality. This additional explanatory text can be found within the first paragraph of the Biography, in the Scope and Content note for Series I, and in the Scope and Content note for folder #71. She also added the subject heading "LGBTQ+ People." A previous version of this finding aid has been maintained for transparency around the descriptive process. Please contact the Schlesinger Library for details.
For more information on reparative archival description at Harvard, see Harvard Library's Statement on Harmful Language in Archival Description.