The end-processing assistant should not be doing ANY processing, only numbering, boxing, and removing - that means making no judgment calls, no consolidating folders, etc. Changing ranges of folders and/or dates as they coincide with box breaks is ok as long as you discuss it with the EPA first.
While refoldering, all processors must:
Use WHITE flags for items to be photocopied
Please use a new flag for each new item to be copied. If several in a row, you can clip the items to the white flag.
Write notes for student on flag if necessary (e.g. "copy both sides of clipping")
Spotchecking student work as they go is more important, as you will not be checking everything as it is pulled
Use BLUE flags for photographs to be removed from folders (cataloged)
Write the # of photos to be removed on each flag (esp. if some will stay in the folder)
Use GREEN flags for oversized material to be removed
Use RED flags for restricted material:
If several items, clip items to be restricted together with flag
Write the exact restriction on the red flag: "closed until 2065"
Put a red flag in the front of a folder that is entirely restricted, write "folder" with the restriction on the flag. Create item removed forms for restricted items to be removed from folders, clip to items to be removed. Leave "date removed" and "by" sections blank to be filled in by end processor.
Use YELLOW flags for notes to yourself while processing.
These should all be removed before collection goes to EPA