Title | MMSID | Notes | EBSCO title? | |||
9 to 5 newsline | 990025115300203941 | x | ||||
ALL news | 990092226710203941 | no active order but sometimes appears | ||||
Bon appétit | 990024471620203941 | x | ||||
Boston spirit | 990097675400203941 | |||||
Bust | 990080430110203941 | x | ||||
CTA (Call to Action) news | 990029411080203941 | x | ||||
Celebrate life | 990044368310203941 | x | ||||
Cherry bombe | 990144911000203941 | ordered issue by issue | ||||
Chop chop | 990146502230203941 | x | ||||
Christopher Kimball's Milk Street magazine | 990152337930203941 | x | ||||
Conscience | 990006479240203941 | |||||
Cook's country | 990127678280203941 | x | ||||
Cook's illustrated | 990027915420203941 | x | ||||
Cosmopolitan | 990021110560203941 | x | ||||
Cuisine at home | 990089062080203941 | x | ||||
Differences | 990013750040203941 | x | ||||
Eagle Forum report | 990150506910203941 | x | ||||
Earth's daughters | 990006124860203941 | x | ||||
Eaten : the food history magazine | 99153701593703941 | irregular subscription | ||||
Environmental nutrition | 990059738460203941 | x | ||||
Essence | 990001296500203941 | x | ||||
Feminist studies : FS | 990001310440203941 | x | ||||
Food & foodways | 990004139700203941 | x | ||||
Food & history | 990097813770203941 | x | ||||
Food & wine : the guide to good taste | 990004246380203941 | x | ||||
Food network magazine | 990127676640203941 | x | ||||
Food, culture, & society | 990102705350203941 | x | ||||
For the culture | 99155267219803941 | ordered issue by issue | ||||
Gastronomica : the journal of food and culture | 990085835460203941 | x | ||||
Gender & history | 990015773500203941 | x | ||||
Girlhood studies : an interdisciplinary journal | 990119915750203941 | x | ||||
Girls' life | 990099089920203941 | x | ||||
Good housekeeping | 990013217150203941 | x | ||||
Good medicine | 990028746190203941 | |||||
Harper's bazaar | 990001311100203941 | x | ||||
Harvard women's health watch | 990035029240203941 | x | ||||
IAWM journal / International Alliance for Women in Music | 990061017120203941 | x | ||||
Insights : notes from the CCWH | 990152731730203941 | x | ||||
Intermezzo | 990100077830203941 | x | ||||
Journal of lesbian studies | 990056105680203941 | x | ||||
Journal of women & aging | 990016969790203941 | x | ||||
Kazoo | 990153078640203941 | x | ||||
Latina style | 990127676660203941 | x | ||||
Lesbian connection | 990004184450203941 | x | ||||
Library journal | 990001396330203941 | routed to curator, back issues not retained | x | |||
Lilith | 990001409940203941 | x | ||||
Lux | 99156433856803941 | |||||
Maize | 990105676080203941 | x | ||||
MaryJanesFarm | 990115958060203941 | x | ||||
Media report to women | 990004357750203941 | x | ||||
Millie | 99156558183003941 | |||||
Mom egg review | 990144538980203941 | x | ||||
Mother warriors voice | 990088631030203941 | x | ||||
Ms | 990019746020203941 | x | ||||
Network connection | 990023635240203941 | x | ||||
New beauty | 990099334310203941 | x | ||||
New Moon girls | 990120559900203941 | x | ||||
New women/new church | 990001521230203941 | x | ||||
News from the Schlesinger Library | 990080543400203941 | shelved in PV with RAD Ref. Periodicals | ||||
Newsletter - Association for Women in Mathematics | 990004307040203941 | x | ||||
Newsletter (Jessie Street National Women's Library) | 990110670720203941 | Newsletter - Association for Women in Mathematics | 990004307040203941 | x|||
Nursing history review | 990028799690203941 | x | ||||
Oregon women's land trust newsletter | 990004130140203941 | |||||
Out | 990041438290203941 | x | ||||
Petits propos culinaires | 990024903530203941 | x | ||||
Praxis : journal of gender & cultural critiques | 990129528560203941 | x | ||||
Radcliffe magazine | 990122611870203941 | shelved in PV with RAD Ref. Periodicals | ||||
Rain and thunder | 990102993560203941 | |||||
RBM : a journal of rare books, manuscripts, and cultural heritage | 990083981930203941 | x | ||||
Repast : quarterly newsletter of the Culinary Historians of Ann Arbor | 990083335450203941 | |||||
Resources for gender and women's studies : a feminist review | 99153699862603941 | x | ||||
Revista de estudios de género y sexualidades | 99153854814403941 | x | ||||
SageWoman | 990005677960203941 | x | ||||
Signs | 990001271020203941 | x | ||||
Sinister wisdom | 990004093940203941 | x | ||||
Taste of home | 990032037220203941 | x | ||||
The advocate | 990001391410203941 | x | ||||
The natural family | 990149210160203941 | x | ||||
The OLOC reporter | 990105676910203941 | |||||
The Phyllis Schlafly report | 990004120700203941 | x | ||||
The pioneer woman magazine | 99156175776703941 | x | ||||
The Woman's pulpit | 990001380150203941 | |||||
The women's health activist | 990097676430203941 | x | ||||
The Women's review of books | 990001628930203941 | x | ||||
Violence and victims | 990005812310203941 | x | ||||
Vogue | 990001345140203941 | x | ||||
Whetstone | 99155857170203941ordered issue by issue | |||||
While entertaining | 99156433882403941 | ordered issue by issue | ||||
Woman's day | 990003972830203941 | x | ||||
Woman's world | 990007782060203941 | x | ||||
Women & music | 990073490940203941 | x | ||||
Women & performance | 990003845730203941 | x | ||||
Women in the arts | 990021313960203941 | |||||
Women lawyers' journal | 990001345580203941 | x | ||||
Women's health | 990101016980203941 | x | ||||
Women's history review | 990021680070203941 | x | ||||
Women's studies quarterly [WSQ] | 990001562700203941 | x | ||||
Women's studies | 990001104360203941 | x | ||||
Zontian | 990004067790203941 | x |