8521_$$b SCH $$c (location code) $$h $$i *Dewey classed
8528_$$b SCH $$c GEN PER *(onsite periodicals)
8528_$$b SCH $$c HD $$h Periodicals *(periodicals at HD)
Currently cataloged into:
PER - Onsite periodicals (HOLLIS display: Periodicals Collection (onsite) -- in library use only)
GEN - Default location, all in process items that have been accessioned, onsite periodicals
HD - All cataloged items that are at Harvard Depository (HD)
PAM - Onsite boxed collections of pamphlets that reside in Pool Vault: Culinary Pamphlets, Health and Hygiene Pamphlets, Suffrage Pamphlets, Zines
PER - Onsite periodicals (HOLLIS display: Periodicals Collection (onsite) -- in library use only)
VAULT - All onsite books that are in the Pool Vault