- Wait until you've finished processing the entire collection and address all periodicals at the same time.
- Check titles in HOLLIS. If issues fill holes in library holdings, set aside for transfer to the head of published materials.
- If the serial is a new title that is not yet in our library holdings, either set aside for review with curators or if the title/issue clearly fits into our collecting policy set aside for transfer to the head of published materials. Even if you won't be meeting with the curators, still inform them of what is being added to the library collection.
- Each newsletter issue transferred to the head of published materials should come with a separation form.
- *Note: if you have a large number of issues to a newsletter title that we do not yet have in our collection talk with the serials cataloger about whether it's ok to complete only one separation form for the set.
- Note the titles in order to inform the curators of what is being added to the collection.
Pr-# collections finding aids review review
- In addition to searching HOLLIS, you should also consult the finding aids for constructed collections of newsletters and periodicals (Pr-#) that can be found in HAD.
- While we are no longer adding materials to Pr-4: Women's Newsletter and Periodical Collection, this finding aid may be particularly useful since it lists a broad range of titles. (http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:RAD.SCHL:sch00376). Search the finding aid for your title and if other issues are already listed, let Johanna know. She can help you pull those issues to give to the serials cataloger for cataloging, and will update the Pr-4 finding aid.
For 4) chapter newsletters of organizations whose records we hold (NOW, NWPC, NARAL) consult the following finding aids and if what you have fills holes, give to Johanna, who will add them to the collections.:
- Consult Pr-1 for NOW chapter newsletters: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:RAD.SCHL:sch00329
- Consult Pr-17 for NWPC, State and local affiliates newsletter collection: http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:RAD.SCHL:sch01446
- Consult Pr-5 for NARAL state affiliates newsletters http://rs.harvard.edu/urn-3:RAD.SCHL:sch00333