Fully catalog each item in AV/DC tracker first; you can then transform that data into EAD. If you have a number of items you are unsure about keeping; have an appraisal meeting with Joanne Donovan before updating data in the database.
(Joanne do you have instructions about what data to put where in the database, or do you want to write some that are appropriate here?)
When you are finished, you should can transform the spreadsheet Filemaker data into XML to be added to your finding aid.
See instructions here: G:\SCHLES\COLLECTION SERVICES\AUDIOVISUAL\AV cataloging\Creating inventory with EAD tags from spreadsheetsCreatingInventorywithEADtagsFromAVDC
If more than around 10 items, create a spreadsheet with the basic information on each tape. Initial transcription of the data can easily be done by a student. A sample spreadsheet can be found at G:\SCHLES\COLLECTION SERVICES\AUDIOVISUAL\AV cataloging\AV_InventoryTemplate.xlsx (JOANNE IS WORKING ON FINALIZING THIS - AND POSSIBLY FINAL VERSION WILL HAVE TAGS IN THERE ALREADY)
If you do not have enough A/V material to use a spreadsheet, describe in the finding aid, and when you have completed processing, give Joanne a copy of the finding aid (or just the A/V parts) with the actual material when ready to do A/V end processing.
Describing audiovisual material in bib records Anchor bib bib
- Write the appropriate T-, Vt-, etc. number, in pencil, on the tape label itself. For example: T-345.1, T-345.2, etc. For videos, it is helpful to also have the number on the case.
- Once all of the materials are clearly marked, send Joanne an email letting her know they are ready, and include the pre-concatenated spreadsheet or finding aid description for her to add to AV/DC tracker
- Deliver the tapes to Joanne for labeling, housing, and shelving (JOANNE WILL SEE IF END-PROCESSOR CAN DO THIS)