□ Give Anne your finding aid to read for edits/subject heading suggestionssuggestions
□ Finish up work with printed materials - make sure all have been checked, meet with Marylene if necessary, complete separation record
□ Any starred items below under "finishing up documentation"
When EPA is finished boxing, you must review the finding aid for numbering errors, etc.
□ Check cross-references within finding aid
□ Check box and folder# spans in series titles, arrangement tag
□ Review and complete extent and access sections
□ Give finding aid to team leader one more time for review of numbering, etc.
□ Move the xml file back to your own folder and DELETE it from the "…MANUSCRIPTS\End Processing Assistant" folder when you have finished with the finding aid
□ Once the finding aid is returned from your team leader, email Johanna to let her know she can now move the collection to its final destination
□ Complete all tasks on "Processing Workflow" sheet (finding aid editing, etc.)
□ Enter/update any folder #s where disks were removed in AV/DC tracker
□ Update bib record once FA is posted; give draft to team leader, then to Anne
□ Notify Anne re: deleting the collection from "UnprocColl.xls."
□ **If donor is living, draft letter (include info. about any material to be returned) and then show to Kathy Jacob before sending (with draft of front matter from finding aid.) Wait to post and print finding aid below until hearing from donor
□ Print out copies of finding aid from OASIS and file as follows:
□ **Draft permissions form if necessary, and show it to your team leader and Ellen Shea if necessary. Add form to G:\SCHLES\PUBLIC SERVICES\Condition of Use Forms and notify Public Services of its existence.
□ Draft final letter to donor, and show to Kathy Jacob. Send, along with complete finding aid, any permissions form, and any material requested for return
□ **Make sure copies of any correspondence with donors (including email and memos of phone conversations or meetings) are filed in the correspondence file
□ Update blue accession card and file in "processed" section of drawer
□ Create and file white Shelf List Card.
□ Write brief publicity blurb in the publicity document on G and let Jenny know it's there.
□ Update "Processing stats new.xls" spreadsheet for beginning/ending size and dates and for format quantities.