Scanning Key Content Guidelines,Workflow, and Supporting Documents
Scanning Guidelines
General Guidelines:
Capture items at a resolution of 300dpi in a tif file format
Items with no copyright concerns should be saved in one folder named "No copyright concerns" (either on the computer or on a flash drive), which will be deposited by Imaging Services at full resolution using one billing code
Items that are still in copyright or have an unclear copyright status should be saved in a separate folder named "Copyright concerns" (either on the computer or on a flash drive) and will be deposited by Imaging Services at a reduced resolution of 72dpi using a different billing code
- Once 500 images (or fewer) are captured, the two folders are to be hand-delivered on a single flash drive to Susan, who will deliver it to Imaging Services
Creation of file name should be constructed with SKC template codes using this general example- holdings no_sequence of images_template code
For example:
Book- 091256783_01_cov1.tif
Serial cover with year- 004951966_01_srl_1975.tif
Serial cover with year and month- 019378657_01_srl_1975_June.tif
Serial cover with year and month day- 019378657_03_srl_1975_June_10.tif
Serial cover with date volume and number- 01937657_04_srl_1975_x_x_1_1.tif
Serial cover with date and number- 019387780_01_srl_1975_x_x_x_1.tif
Serial cover with number- 019414556_01_srl_x_x_x_x_1.tif
- Make sure Macro Express is running on your computer.
- Open the DRS report in Excel.
- You may need to enable or allow macros.
- Open the SKC-856 spreadsheet template in Excel (template file required to work with the macro)
- Locate the section of the DRS report that lists the JP2 files. You’ll know you have the right section because the URN column of the spreadsheet will contain data/URNs.
- Copy the first three columns of the DRS spreadsheet that include the Full File Name, the Owner-supplied Name, and the URN for the JP2 images.
- Paste the copied data into a blank spreadsheet then run a find and replace to eliminate the the the x placeholders (Find x Replace will simply be blank) (*note because of the enabled macros on the SKC-856 spreadsheet you cannot do a find/replace function on it)
- After you have gotten rid of the x placeholders copy the first three columns and past them into the upper left most corner of the SKC-856 spreadsheet, under the column headers.
- Run the SKC.mex macro
- Drag down the appropriate columns (K, L, M) to populate the rows on the spreadsheet
- Then use the SAVE AS command please save the file as SKC_adding_links.xlsx (you must do this or the next macro WILL NOT work)
1. Open up the SKC templates codes spreadsheet and add your additional term and save the file2. Open up the SKC-856 spreadsheet template and add your additional term and save the file