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Table of Contents

Delivery of items for End-Processing

Place new accessions on the "Incoming" shelves before the "add new items here" flag. (In other words, move the flag to the end!) The flags ensure that items are processed in the order they arrive.

"RUSH" items go on the top of bay 1. Folios and portfolios go on bay 1, quartos on bay 2. Broadsides go on top of the bookplate filing cabinet. Notify the End-Processing Assistant about the location of oversize items.


All items need routing slips, which are created and added to through during the accessioning and cataloging process.  Any item without a routing slip should be brought to the attention of the Technical Services Librarian.

Routing slips contain vital information for end-processing, including:

  • call numbers and additional descriptive information
  • collection information
  • accession numbers
  • ALEPH system numbers
  • fund/donor information
  • end-processing instructions
  • special notes/additional instructions

It is very important to check and double-check all information on the routing slip to create accurate labels and minimize mistakes and mislabeling.

During the barcoding step, duplicate barcodes are placed on the routing slip for easier entry into ALEPH.  After this process, routing slips are stored on the mezzanine for one year, grouped by monthThe End-Processing Supervisor (Robin) retains routing slips for approximately 2-3 months after items are processed.

AEON Slips

AEON slips are used to track items in Houghton that do not follow a "regular" processing .  AEON slips need to stay with their designated item as they are end-processed. As a general rule, items that come to be end-processed need to have their status changed to steps. Slips should have the status "In Technical Services - End Processing" by the person delivering the item.  when they arrive. The End Processing Assistant Supervisor is responsible for updating the status when the item leaves the end-processing area.
