- Search Physical Titles “MMS ID” or “Local field 900: Aleph number” (with leading zeroeszeros for nine digits total)
- Edit Record
- View Inventory (Ctrl + I)
- Copy the call number for the holding that has been digitized
- Open Templates
- Select MARC21 Holdings > Private > (choose template)
- Choose New
- Fill in the 843, 856, and 908 fields:
- 843 $n: paste call number copied from view inventory step
- $$n Copy digitized: Houghton Library: [CALL NUMBER]
- $$n Copy digitized: Houghton Library: EC65.A100.647b2
- 856: add page or work image in $3, if needed, or remove $3, if not needed; put delivery link in $u; for PDS templates, delete the $z that does not apply; for suppressed PDS templates, add future reproduction instructions and DRS ID
- 843 $n: paste call number copied from view inventory step
- 908: replace mmdd## with month (2 two digits), day (2 two digits), and initials (2 two letters)
$$b 2018mmdd##
$$b 20180731db
- 908: replace mmdd## with month (2 two digits), day (2 two digits), and initials (2 two letters)
(instructions to be added)
Source: Houghton's Alma templates are based on earlier Aleph templates, updated with guidance from the Use of NET sublibrary in Aleph best practice document and the Harvard Library Preservation NET Holdings Templates and Local Practices document.
For images that will display via the Image Delivery Service (IDS), use the NOPDS templates. For images Access: Until Harvard Library policies about Alma shared templates change, both Houghton's Digital Collections Program Manager or Metadata Librarian have copies of the current Alma templates and can temporarily post them to the shared templates folder on request. These templates should be duplicated to the private templates folder. Then the shared templates should be either set to private again (if originals) or deleted (if copies).
Maintenance: At the start of each new calendar year, the year should be updated in the 843 $d and $7 and 908 $b.
Template selection
NOPDS or PDS: For images that will display via the Image Delivery Service (IDS), use the NOPDS templates. For images displayed through the Page Delivery Service (PDS), use the PDS templates.
: RDM templates are only used for digital masters, records for print monographs and serials that were created according to the Benchmark for Faithful Digital Reproductions of Monographs and Serials and that will be exported to the Registry of Digital Masters. All other digitized materials use the GEN templates.
: Select one of the suppressed templates for any images that will be suppressed from public view.
List of templates
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