- ORIGINAL FOLDER TITLE If the media item was in a folder, please write the title of the folder here.
- ORIGINAL BOX NUMBER The number of the box the item was separated from.
- ITEM NUMBER A number generated for the individual born-digital material/item. The Item Number is formed by appending the Batch Number with an underscore, the acronym 'BD' and the number of the item, as such like following: Am2350_BD01, Am2350BD02, etc.
- Batch Numbers (also called batch container numbers) are simply the Call Number appended by an underscore and BD, like such Am2350_BD, Thr1862_BD.
- BORN-DIGITAL BOX NUMBER The new box number where the item is placed/temporarily housed in.
- TRANSFER SOURCE: Controlled List.
- MEDIA TYPE Controlled list. Select from the drop-down list of media types.
- MANUFACTURER The name of media manufacturer can usually be found on the media carrier, if any.
- ESTIMATED STORAGE This field refers to the estimated storage of unprocessed media. The 'Controlled Lists' tab has standard storage capacity conversions in GB. If the storage capacity is listed on the media carrier, please list that here.
- ACCESSIONING NOTES Please list anything of note about the physical condition of the item, including any written or typed labels.