Versions Compared


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  • Edit LDR and 008 fields fully
  • 852 must have first indicator 8 for Houghton call numbers, 0 for LC numbers
  • For serials and multi-part items: add a 853/863 pairappropriate 85X/86X pairs per Harvard Library Best Practices (extensive examples are found here)
  • Add an H08 field with today's date in subfield b  (historic note: H08 became the 908 field in Alma; no longer used) 
  • Add 920 field for cataloging (if newly accessioning, as from a gift collection, add a second 920 for the accession)Delete 989 field, if present
  • For all bound-withs: add H77 977 field to each holdings record other than the first in the volume


  • Move any 852 $$z notes to 541, 561, 562, and 563 fields as appropriate; add $$5 hou or $$5 the at end of each field
  • Ensure that classification number is in a single 852 $$h (or $$h & $$i for LC numbers), with correct punctuation; additional shelving information can be added to $$m (e.g., "$$m (Shelved in P1 Case Range 4)")

Item record

Create an item record for each physical piece of all new accessions, as well as for all items cataloged (original or upgraded). Do not create item records for bound-withs other than for the first in the volume.


It is the responsibility of catalogers to :


adhere to these procedures before routing items to end-processing:

  • add additional instructions on Aeon slips, particularly relating to labeling and/or , plating, for instance if these items are to be tipped on or affixed in a particular location
  • Write the call number on the verso of all broadsides
  • Put items that are going onto the shelf in prefabs into their prefabs
  • Protect tipped in or laid in items
  • put items that will remain onsite and require prefabs housing into prefabs
  • protect any delicate material going for conservation, casing, or binding either by putting it into an envelope or tying it up
  • End process their own miniature books if they protect items that are oddly sized (e.g., miniature books that are too small for regular end processing; this usually involves just writing the call number on the inside of the back coverIndicate -processing) by putting it into an envelope and handing them directly to the end-processor
  • indicate the need for mylar sheath (and CMI, if required) when routing rare books items with dust jackets
  • Create create an Aeon transaction slip for any items lacking one, and route transactions to "Technical Services - End Processing when bringing materials therePlace "
  • place routed items on appropriate incoming end-processing shelf; if numbers exceed space, do NOT leave books elsewhere, but speak with the Technical Services LibrarianIf end-processor
  • if reclassifying, retrieve or page book and add an explanatory note to on Aeon slip ; send to end-processing with routing slip AND Aeon slip in bookIf for the end-processor to re-label the item
  • if cataloging a second copy and there is a need to designate the copy already on the shelf as "(A)" for an item with older classification scheme, retrieve or page book and write "Reclassed/pull card" on call slip; either neatly in indelible pen write (A) onto the tab and label or send change the holding record to add "(A)" and retrieve the item from shelf and neatly add "(A)" on the call number tab in indelible pen (or send the item to end-processing with routing slip AND call slip in bookAdded note: If the book having its call number changed came from HD, it is important to inform the person in charge of the HD functions in the Reading Room know of this change so that the number can get changed in their inventory file (HD itself does not need informing)instructions added to an Aeon slip)
  • DO NOT leave items deemed offensive or sexually explicit materials on end-processing shelves; those items must be handed to the end-processor directly


Full instructions for cataloging and processing transfers (most commonly from Widener) can be found in the document Transfers - Classified Transfers


For items requiring preservation review or quick repair after cataloging, fill out a preservation review slip (Preservation Review.docx) and route the item 's in Aeon transaction to the Preservation Review queue. Make a note on the routing Aeon slip that the item should be sent to end-processing after preservation work is complete. Either leave the item on the preservation review cart, or bring it to Ramon for delivery to said cart.


  • Make necessary corrections
  • Take items to End Processingend-processing if necessary (and route the item to end-processing in Aeon)