Upright document boxes have a flip top and come in both letter and legal size. There are folders that fit the width of each box. They fit the height too, but that is often not the most important concern, since gravity keeps things from falling out of the folders, as long as they are handled correctly. Flat boxes come in various sizes that are standard to our unit. The basic "regular" flat manuscript box has an attached lid (clamshell style) and a drop-side. Beyond A variation on that , is a our slightly shorter metal-edged box with a full removable lid and a drop side. In fact all our boxes have a drop-side, except in rare cases where certain items might be prone to fall out. It is very difficult to safely find finger space to remove folders from boxes without a drop side. The only "flat" boxes we stock without a drop-side are card file (index card) boxes.
The basics : orient folders correctly in box
To open a box, sit with the short end (labeled end) facing you. The left, long side of the box is the one that drops down when you open the lid. The lid will open from left to right and the drop side will lean over a little bit as it is opened, exposing the folded edges of the folders. The folded edge of the folders is always where the labels go. It is important that the folders be oriented with the fold along the drop edge in order to easily flip through the labels and remove the desired folders.
Box inside of box - objects - ask the end processor