When staff comes to a shared conclusion that an item may have been misshelved, because many people have not been able to find it over a certain period of time, Technical Services and Public Services staff may agree to note in the records that it was missing from its location as of a certain date. If the item is part of a collection, the front matter of the finding aid in ArchivesSpace has a field in which to add such a note.
Physical Management : What to do, What not to do:
Below is a sample of a plastic label holder that had a self-adhesive label stuck to the outside of it, thus making it useless. In this example, an additional label (not pictured) had also been stapled over the label holder and the self-adhesive label. Since the legs of the staple cannot be bent in, they protrude sharply into the box, endangering materials and human hands. Staples should not be used to affix box labels. Label holders are meant to facilitate temporary labeling and future changing of label information during end-processing and for updates. But if a temporary removable label is used by the cataloger, it should be placed directly on the box, rather than the plastic label holder, as these removable labels also tend to stick to the plastic and are hard to remove.
Please download the Box labeling presentation.
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Physical Management : locations
Besides gaining familiarity with the various locations that are outside the scope of ranges and shelves, one should also keep track of less frequently used locations for framed items, large sculptures, and other things that don't fit in the usual places.