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Houghton no longer uses an asterisk in front of the accession number (i.e. *2000M-33 would now be simply 2000M-33).


Autograph files and Catchalls

The large collections referred to thus far are mainly closed groupings of items from the same source, such as gift or bequest of a certain individual, or purchased with a particular fund. But some collections are composed of items that each have a different source. They are grouped together either because they provide examples of handwriting and signatures of famous literary figures (hence the name Autograph file), or because they are miscellaneous and unrelated (usually) single sheets.There is a rather large Autograph file at Houghton and in the Theatre Collection. They were begun in the early years of the library and we continue adding to them. Their call numbers are : "Autograph file" and "HTC Autograph file". Items in these two collections, are filed alphabetically by author. They do not have item numbers like most other collections do. We have not added barcodes to the boxes for the Autograph files because each item, within its folder, has its own item record (see: Item Records and Bar codes). The number of boxes cannot be determined by looking at the item records for these collections. If a box is added, the finding aid should be updated. That is how one would know the number of boxes on the shelf.

Catchalls are also collections of single items that are related in subject matter, but that have come to the library from a variety of sources. Normally each item does not exceed one folder. Older collections are often filed alphabetically, but newer ones tend to have item numbers to which items are continually added, out of alphabetical order. Keeping the official list of all Autograph files and catchalls is part of the manuscript accessioning process. Most catchalls have normal-looking call numbers, but some do not. Examples are: 

Lowell Autograph file (old collection that was originally alphabetical but was given item numbers and closed; filed by item numbers)

Portrait file (filed alphabetically; no item numbers)

HTC Programs 2 (filed by item number; items are added continually, out of alphabetical order)

bMS Thr 511 (filed by item number; items are added continually, out of alphabetical order)
This is a collection of Tennessee Williams typescript compositions, 1936-1979 and undated, from various different sources. One of its box labels appears in the sample book.

One difficulty in end-processing these collections is that they are in all different sizes of boxes. To assist with that, see the Box & folder sizes report in the Catchall database..

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For consistency, information about box and folder sizes is added to the Catchalls database via a drop-down menu:
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half height
half height
