All Updike gifts are sent to HD. The Bibliographic Assistant receives each item, assigns an accession number, catalogs it, and sends it to end-processing. Any item that is not a hardcover will be given a CMI case.
H08 |a c |b t
The procedure for assigning a call number to Updike deposits has changed over time. Some titles have been given LC call numbers; some translations have not been assigned an Updike title number. The current practice is to assign a Houghton call number to the item in hand. The prefix and cutter for John Updike have already been established as AC95.Up174. Every work by Updike has also been given its own cutter–the first letter of the title followed by a number. For example, Seek My Face has been assigned "S9". To ascertain the specific designation of your work in hand, go to Hollis Classic and search by title.
AC95.Up174S9.2012 consists of can be broken down as follows:
AC – American author, late 20th century
If a work was printed by multiple publishers in a given year, assign an additional letter after the publication year to differentiate between them. (There will be separate bibliographic records as well).
AC95.Up174C7.1979 The Coup (New York : Knopf, 1979, c1978)
AC95.Up174C7.1979b The Coup (Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1979, c1978)
AC95.Up174C7.1979c The Coup (London : Deutsch, 1979, c1978)