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  • Proof finding aid by examining it in the public view using the OASIS Preview. Click “browse” button to select relevant finding aid and click "Preview."
  • Create MARC record in ALEPH for the collection.  Consult the Manuscript Section Collection-level manual (in this Wiki for assistance.  

    Using a template: You may use a template supplied by ALEPH, create your own, or use a brief template often shared within our Manuscript Section. This template is named:  DACS TC.MRC and is located on the shared drive at:  

    H:\HOUGHTON\Technical Services\MS Section\MS Documentation

    \Collection-level manualDACS) for assistance.

  • Submit finding aid and MARC record for review by Senior Manuscript Cataloger.


  • When finding aid and MARC are returned to you, make corrections to your documents and store your final version of the finding aid in your inbox on the H: drive.