Also see Ex Libris Cancel and Request
Change Priority
Notes: The request priority for each item in the queue determines which request in the queue is active. Library requests, such as move requests and work order requests, take priority over patron requests. Patron requests are fulfilled by the order in which they were created. A fulfillment policy exists that will change priorities for a group, however this is for future use only.
The priority is relevant for requests only before their workflow processing has started.
Also see Ex Libris – Request Priority
Modify a Request
This is how to make changes to a patron request, for example, change the due date or the pick up location.
- Locate the request (see instructions for how to locate a request)
- Choose "Edit" from the "..." drop down list for the request that needs to be cancelled. Depending on how you customized your results page this could be a button or in the "..." list of options.
- The same form used when creating a request appears.
- Change any aspects of the request as needed.
Documentation suggests we would have separate entries for change the due date and changing the pick-up location.