
  • Orders can be created either manually, or via an order load (called EOD: Embedded Order data)
  • Orders can be either one-time (monographs) or continuous (serials and standing orders)
  • Purchase order lines (POLs) contain the order information, vendor, budget, renewal period for ongoing orders, etc
  • Inventory (meaning: items and holdings) can be created automatically or manually during the POL creation 
  • Purchase order lines go through a validation phase to check for mandatory information and an optional additional review phase
  • Once the POL passes review and validation it is "packaged" into a Purchase order (PO) and sent to the vendor (if applicable), either by EDI or email
    • If it is there the option to print out the order, if needed?neccesary to printout an order, it may be possible to send the email to a printer rather than to an email recipient.

Receiving workflow (Physical titles)
