
Using and manipulating PO Line templates

Using a


private or public template

  1. On the PO Line owner and type screen; fill in the Purchase type and PO Line owner fields
  2. Choose a template from the Load from template drop down menu


  1. Follow the procedure for manually creating a PO line. See Creating a One time (Monograph) and Continuous (Standing order and Serial) Order Line: Physical for more details
  2. Enter (or edit) the relevant fields for your template
  3. Click Save as template, which is one of the commands under the ellipsis to the right of the "Purchase Order line details" header. 
    1. The Save as Template pop-up window appears
    :Image Removed
      1. Enter a template name
        1. To replace an
        1. existing template, select the current template in Existing Template
        2. You will only be able to edit your own existing templates
          1. You can use a public template as the basis of your own version by calling it up under the Existing templates, Changing the Template name, and saving it as a
          1. private template.
          2. You can also call up any existing POL, choose Edit and save that as a template
      1. Click Save
      2. If you are replacing an existing template, click Confirm in the confirmation dialog box
  4. Note: a PO line is NOT created during the save process

ASWG will create some  


ASWG created some public templates to be


used for training and once we go live.

Perhaps you could mention here that

  • ITS at 625 / DIV / HRSW / SO Non Monograph
  • LAM / YANKEE / Mono
  • SCH / Coutts / PJS (PJS = Print Journal Subscription)



Please note: those with the role of Acquisitions Administrator will be able to create

addtional Public templates or delete Public templates 

additional public templates and delete public templates. 

Deleting a private template

  1. Call up any POL and click on Save as template
  2. Instead of saving, select the template you wish to delete fro the Existing template list
  3. Hit delete