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Welcome to the Items & Holdings class. In this class, we will look at viewing and editing items and holdings for physical materials across functional areas (acquisition, cataloging, circulation). This class will include time for hands-on practice.
- Holdings and items together are called "inventory" in Alma.
To help understand how Alma Inventory is structured, Ex Libris has created these diagrams – you may remember seeing this structure of Alma inventory in your Intro or Search & Sets class.
Trainer can show images on this page / draw something similar on the board, as needed: Items & Holdings
- In Alma, anything with a holding is referred to as a Physical Title or Physical Inventory.
- Most holdings and items represent physical pieces in our collection.
- A difference from Aleph is that most electronic resources will not be represented by holdings, instead they will be represented by Electronic collection and portfolio information.
- In Alma, all items are attached to holdings. This is a core difference from Aleph, where creating a holdings was not required.
- Alma will not allow you to create an item without a holding.
- When creating an item, Alma will also create a holding if one does not already exist for that library/location.
- You may be wondering – what about the things in Aleph that didn't have holdings?
- Aleph items that were not attached to holdings were attached to holdings in Alma during data migration.
- During migration, Alma either attached the item to an existing holding (when the library/location were the same) or, if they were not, Alma created a new holding.
- Aleph items that were not attached to holdings were attached to holdings in Alma during data migration.
- In Alma, a holding may or may not have an item.
- Examples of a bib that has a holding without items: are an analyzed monographic series, a multipart work, or an older serial. (Trainer, 3 examples below if you want to show one, two or all)
- a monographic series: Conduct an "All Titles" search for MMS ID 990091802930203941 (Archaeological studies Leiden University)
- a mulipart work: Conduct an "All Titles" search for MMS ID 990074312040203941 (Oxford history of art)
- older serial tiles do not have items : Conduct an "All Titles" search for MMS ID 990051690120203941 (Quarterly digest of statistics (Accra, Ghana : 1959)
- Examples of a bib that has a holding without items: are an analyzed monographic series, a multipart work, or an older serial. (Trainer, 3 examples below if you want to show one, two or all)
- Alma allows setting of Temporary locations values, which can be helpful for some materials, such as Reserves and Serials.
- When temporarily moving items from one location to another, staff have the option of inputting an end date for the temporary location in Alma.
- On this date an automated job will warn staff to return these items to their regular location.
- When temporarily moving items from one location to another, staff have the option of inputting an end date for the temporary location in Alma.
Practice time (show instructions on screen): We are now going to try this Quick Cataloging Add Physical Item process.
Editing items
Now we will cover updating Next we are going to look at the process for both viewing and editing existing items.
- First, we must do a search for the physical item.
- If you search for a physical item—not title—you can choose Edit from the search results page If you used another kind of search, you will have to view the item list first, then use the Edit option under the action menu (ellipsis icon)
- The Physical Item Editor page opens. Select one or more of the following .
- To **view** items,
- You can do a Physical Title search – Trainer demo this using the title created in the prior section
- you will see hyperlinks for the holdings and items at the bottom of the search entry, as well as "Items" and "Holdings" in the ellipsis menu.
- Clicking on either of these will take you to the item list first
- Then you can click View under the ellipsis menu.
- you will see hyperlinks for the holdings and items at the bottom of the search entry, as well as "Items" and "Holdings" in the ellipsis menu.
- You can do a Physical Item search – Trainer demo this using the title created in the prior section
- And there is NO way to View the item from this kind of search. If I click on the hyperlinked barcode, or "Items" in the ellipsis menu, those both take me to the screen to EDIT the item.
- So if you want to view an item, do a title search.
- So if you want to view an item, do a title search.
- And there is NO way to View the item from this kind of search. If I click on the hyperlinked barcode, or "Items" in the ellipsis menu, those both take me to the screen to EDIT the item.
- You can do a Physical Title search – Trainer demo this using the title created in the prior section
- To **edit** items,
- You can do a Physical item search – Trainer demo this using the title created in the prior section
- you can choose Edit Item right from the search results page, and it will take you right to the Physical Item Editor form.
- you can choose Edit Item right from the search results page, and it will take you right to the Physical Item Editor form.
- If you launch a Physical title search - Trainer demo this using the title created in the prior section
- you will see hyperlinks for the holdings and items at the bottom of the search entry, as well as "Items" and "Holdings" in the ellipsis menu.
- Clicking on either of these will take you to the item list
- Then you can click Edit under the ellipsis menu, or click on the hyperlinked barcode, and then you will be on the Physical Item Editor form.
- So if you want to edit an item record, doing a Physical Item search cuts out two extra steps.
- In short – use Title search to View items, Use Items search to Edit Items
- In short – use Title search to View items, Use Items search to Edit Items
- So if you want to edit an item record, doing a Physical Item search cuts out two extra steps.
- You can do a Physical item search – Trainer demo this using the title created in the prior section
- On the Physical Item Editor page, there are lots of fields you can edit.
- Select one or more fields on the different tabs to view or make changes to the physical item’s information.
- There is a list of the required fields in the Alma documentation
Now that I have found the item, I will choose the option to Edit the item.
- – Trainer show top of this page:
- Trainer select a few item record fields to edit
- – Trainer show top of this page:
- Click Save when changes are complete.
Practice time (show instructions on screen): Now try searching for an item via a Physical Title search or Physical Item search, make some edits to the item, and save your edits.
Deleting (withdrawing) an item - overview
- If you are already in the Metadata Editor looking at a Bib record, you can click on the View Inventory icon, or type CTRL + (letter i)
- here you will see the list of holdings, and you can either view or edit
- Alma will keep also keep track of holdings that you are working on. These will display on the left hand pane. You can click on any holdings in your left pane to display and edit that holdings.
- When you open things to edit (bibs or holdings) they become locked to you. Make sure to release them when you are done. Otherwise they are locked for editing (view-only) for 7 days after your last edit. More information about using the MD Editor can be found in the MD Editor Overview documentation.
- You can add or delete fields using the Edit menu.
- Use the Save icon when your edits are done, and then release the record using the File menu.
Adding a new holdings
When you place an order for a physical item, Alma will automatically create a holdings and item for you. There may be some workflows where you need to create a holding record manually, perhaps when processing a gift book.