Table of Contents |
Class title | Outline of topics | Links to related documentation |
Items & Holdings | Overview of items and holdings, and differences from Aleph | |
Items in more detail, and creating items |
| |
Viewing and editing holdings |
- I want to share some logistics information:
- The nearest bathrooms are...
- The nearest water fountain/supply is...
- Please log in to your computers using the following username and password: (Whatever it is for those computers - if possible, put it into a Word document and project it on the screen)
- Quick recap of essential training elements:
- This is Phase 1 of Training. We are trying to make sure people are prepared to do 80% of their job on day 1
- We are training on the tool of Alma, not on specific workflows or local procedures
- We will show you one verified way to do tasks – there are almost certainly several other ways to do the same thing, and possibly better ways – you can go back, practice and find out.
- Please use fidgets – they can be helpful for focusing, relaxing, staying awake...and if you are feeling tired at any point, feel free to stand up in your area, stand along the wall, etc.
- Please ask questions when they come up; I will also pause between sections for questions and to make sure things are clear
- Let's start by introducing ourselves.
- Holdings and items together are called "inventory" in Alma.
To help understand how Alma Inventory is structured, Ex Libris has created these diagrams – you may remember seeing this structure of Alma inventory in your Intro or Search & Sets class.
Trainer can show images on this page / draw something similar on the board, as needed: Items & Holdings
- In Alma, anything with a holding is referred to as a Physical Title or Physical Inventory.
- Most holdings and items represent physical pieces in our collection.
- A difference from Aleph is that most electronic resources will not be represented by holdings, instead they will be represented by Electronic collection and portfolio information.
- In Alma, all items are attached to holdings. This is a core difference from Aleph, where creating a holdings was not required.
- Alma will not allow you to create an item without a holding.
- When creating an item, Alma will also create a holding if one does not already exist for that library/location.
- You may be wondering – what about the things in Aleph that didn't have holdings?
- Aleph items that were not attached to holdings were attached to holdings in Alma during data migration.
- During migration, Alma either attached the item to an existing holding (when the library/location were the same) or, if they were not, Alma created a new holding.
- Aleph items that were not attached to holdings were attached to holdings in Alma during data migration.
- In Alma, a holding may or may not have an item.
- Examples of a bib that has a holding without items: are an analyzed monographic series, a multipart work, or an older serial. (Trainer, 3 examples below if you want to show one, two or all)
- a monographic series: Conduct an "All Titles" search for MMS ID 990091802930203941 (Archaeological studies Leiden University)
- a mulipart work: Conduct an "All Titles" search for MMS ID 990074312040203941 (Oxford history of art)
- older serial tiles do not have items : Conduct an "All Titles" search for MMS ID 990051690120203941 (Quarterly digest of statistics (Accra, Ghana : 1959)
- Examples of a bib that has a holding without items: are an analyzed monographic series, a multipart work, or an older serial. (Trainer, 3 examples below if you want to show one, two or all)
- Alma allows setting of Temporary locations values, which can be helpful for some materials, such as Reserves and Serials.
- When temporarily moving items from one location to another, staff have the option of inputting an end date for the temporary location in Alma.
- On this date an automated job will warn staff to return these items to their regular location.
- When temporarily moving items from one location to another, staff have the option of inputting an end date for the temporary location in Alma.
- The MDE will keep keep track of holdings that you are working on.
- These will display on the left hand pane. You can click on any holdings in your left pane to display and edit that holdings.
- When you open things to edit (bibs or holdings) they become locked to you. Make sure to release them when you are done. Otherwise they are locked for editing (view-only) for 7 days after your last edit.
- More information about using the MD Editor can be found in the MD Editor Overview documentation.
- These will display on the left hand pane. You can click on any holdings in your left pane to display and edit that holdings.
- You can add or delete fields using the Edit menu.
- You can open fixed fields like the 008, LDR and 852 using Ctl + F.
- Trainer demonstrate adding and editing fields as appropriate
- Isabel please improve this section, I am not very fluent at holdings stuff
- Trainer demonstrate adding and editing fields as appropriate
- Got to Tools: Save and Release (rather than the Save icon) when your edits are done, or click Ctl+Alt+R.
Practice time (show instructions on screen): Now let's try searching for a holdings, viewing a holdings, making edits to a holdings, and saving your edits.
Additional topics
Some other topics that are important with regard to holdings and items are: