- Example: search for 'Arts Therapies in the Treatment of Depression' (1-315-45441-6)
- if no IZ records, check CZ
- click on Portfolio List
- find correct portfolio in list (Ebook central), click 'activate' - creates new portfolio
- click on blue house icon to view new portfolio, click 'edit portfolio'
- click linking tab - from here you can test access
- note proxy settings: do you need to change? (no)
- in header, click 'view all collection's services' - note proxy settings on 'additional' tab
- further work: Relink to another bibliographic record
- are we done?
Cleaning up migrated P to E records (example?)
Linking POLs
Relinking bib records, linking to descriptive record
Enhancing records from external sources
Proxy issues: table of proxy settings & their effects at different levels (screenshot)