- from the task list, can test access and activate resources.
- analogous to work orders/receiving workflow - click 'Done' or it will stay on the list. (Reference acquisitions & order maintenance classes.)
Introduction to the Community Zone
Searching, interpreting records, levels (service, collection, portfolio)
- portfolios are individual title level and must be part of a collection
- portfolios are grouped/organized into collections. you can see a list of all the portfolios in a collection. best practice is that portfolios must be part of a collection.
- proxy settings for eresources are set at the service level, portfolios inherit these settings
- conceptual difference between collection & portfolio - analogy to print inventory (reference items & holdings class)
Activating Journals (continuous orders) - order already placed
- Example: search for 'The Laryngoscope'
- note that this title migrated from Aleph - there is an existing order so there will not be a task list entry
- find electronic version, expand portfolio list - note that Interfaces can have multiple collections (e.g., wiley)
- find inactive portfolio, click on 'view'
- in electronic portfolio editor, click 'active' radio button
- update coverage if necessary on coverage tab
Activating single Ebooks
- order already placed
- Example: search for 'Arts Therapies in the Treatment of Depression' (1-315-45441-6)
- click on Portfolio List
- note proxy settings: do you need to change? (no)
- further work: Relink to another bibliographic record (advanced topic?)
- are we done?