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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Instructions for placing a one-time order for a physical item (either : a print book or a physical item such as a CD, DVD, Microform, etc.)

Table of Contents

Creating a PO Line

  • After finding, creating, or importing the bib record, click on "Order" from the search results list (via the ellipsis menu or by adding order to your display), or on the Shopping Cart icon from in the Metadata editorEditor.
  • The PO Line Owner and Type window opens up

PO Line Owner and Type

  • Select purchase order Purchase Order Type: Print Book-One Timefor a book order, or “Physical-One Timefor another monograph physical material type (CD, DVD, Microform, etc.), or "Print Journal One-Timefor a one-time one item print journal purchase (e.g. purchase of a single print journal issue).
  • Select PO line owner (the acquisition library that is placing the order, which may or may NOT be the library for whom the material is being ordered.)
  • Assign inventory manually check box:
    • Alma One-


    • Time orders automatically create both an Item record and a Holdings record--both of which are referred to as Inventory.


    • During the creation of a One-


    • Time POL, you can decide whether the creation of Inventory will be:
      • Automatic based on the POL owner – uncheck this box if you would like the attached inventory (i.e. item and holding records) to be automatically created based on the Library that is the POL owner, for example: POL Owner of Schlesinger Library would automatically create an item and holdings record for Schlesinger
      • Automatic based on the inventory saved in a POL template – uncheck this box if you are using a template and want to use the item and holding inventory from that template.
      • Assigned


      • manually – Check this box if you would like to create the attached item and holdings manually because it differs from the POL owner; for example, POL Owner of ITS at Langdell would have to create inventory manually for one of the holding libraries (i.e. Gutman), unless using a predefined template




  • Click on Create PO line, then click on “Confirm” Confirm



        • Noteonce Confirm is selected, a POL is created even though it may be missing mandatory information


      Purchase Order Line Details




      Required fields are indicated with a red asterisk



      Items Section

      NOTENote: If inventory is assigned automatically, you still might want to edit the location information as the default location setting is GEN

      If you checked the Assign inventory manually” Inventory Manually box on the previous screen:

        • Click on “Add location”  Add Location
          • Note: this is a mandatory field, but the red asterisk is not visible until you click
          Select Go to Supported Libraries and select the Library and location (collection code) from the drop-down menu under “Supported Libraries”
        • Select the Item policy, if applicable, from the drop-down menu;
        • Click on “Add 
        • An Ordered items line will be created that lists: Library; Location; with Library, Location, System generated barcode; , Receiving date; , Item policy.  
        • To edit or delete this fieldline, click on the ellipsis and chose edit or delete. Choosing Edit will open up row action item list icon and choose Edit to open the Physical Item editor.  See <Insert name of Fulfillment item editing training doc> for more detailed information.  

      If you did


      not check the


      Assign inventory manually


      box and did use a template: 

        • Continue filling out the rest of the order unless you need to edit the inventory information set up by the template


      If you did not check the "assign Assign inventory manually" box and , did not use a template, and need to update the default inventory information, or if you need to edit the inventory information for any reason: 

        • From the Order Summary screen, click on the three dots (ellipsis) row action item list icon next to the item info and choose Edit.
           In the "Location Information" section, change the permanent Permanent library and permanent Permanent location within that library as needed.  
        • Click "Save" and a message will come up alerting Save. An alert tells you that the item will be moved to a new holding and the default holding record will be deleted.
        • Click "Confirm"

      Receiving note: add text intended for the Receiving operator 

      Routing Routing during receivingIf selected, a confirmation message appears when receiving the PO line, stating that the order is marked for routing, and that the user may want to print the list of interested users (see Other POL tabs section below) 




      Material Supplier: (vendor) ; : Make sure to choose the proper Vendor account record, if applicable.

      NOTE:  The Vendor account record is required when sending EDI orders. See the 


      Vendor and Vendor Account Records training document for more details. 

      Claiming grace period (days): A grace period (in days) after the expected receipt date, after which the PO line is sent to the claims task list


      See the Claiming (One-time / Continuous) training document for more details.


      List Price: required

      Net price: will populate automatically based on List price


      Quantity for pricing: required. Enter the number of items to be paid for. The total price for the PO line equals the quantity for pricing multiplied by the list price.


      Fund: When a fund is assigned, it will display in the Fund Name column as a clickable link to the fund details. 



      Orders are encumbered when Saved, not when 'sent':

      Unlike what we are accustomed to in Aleph, an order's encumbrance is not created when the POL is "ordered" via Order now or save and continue. Instead, it is created merely by saving an order.

      When one "saves" an order, it goes into review. Orders that are in review and that have a fund and a price entered, will count against open encumbrances on funds

       If an amount other than 100% is allocated to funds, click Redistribute Lines to re-allocate the fund amount percentages, based on each fund’s respective amount.


      See Funds and Ledgers for more information.

      PO Line details

      Acquisition method:

      • Purchase - order will be sent to the vendor, invoice expected (Pricing and fund information mandatory)  NOTE: this is the only Acquisition method that results in a purchase order being sent to the vendor
      • Purchase - Without letter - if no letter to the vendor is needed, invoice expected (Pricing and fund information mandatory)  This means no email or EDI order is sent to the vendor
      • Approval Plan - order will not be sent to the vendor, invoice expected (Pricing and fund information mandatory)
      • Gift - order will not be sent to the vendor, no invoice expected (Pricing and fund information optional)
      • Purchase at Vendor System - order will not be sent to the vendor, invoice expected (Pricing and fund information  mandatory)
      • Depository (for government depository items) - order will not be sent to the vendor, invoice not expected (Pricing and fund information optional)
      • Exchange (i.e. received on exchange) - order will not be sent to the vendor, invoice not expected (Pricing and fund information optional) 
      • Technical - order will not be sent to the vendor, invoice not expected (Pricing and fund information optional). Use technical for any order that does not need to be sent to the vendor and that does not fit into the other categories. This can be used for membership payment, series standing order payment, payment of materials sent on exchange, etc.


        • The rush icon appears next to relevant items on PO line details pages.

      Manual packaging: 

        • check this field if you would like to select which POLs are group together (i.e. Packaged) and sent to the vendor on one list.
        • check this field if you would like to specify a different ship to or bill to address than the one associated with the POL owner

      see Packaging and Sending a Purchase Order for more details


      Vendor reference number: most likely only populated when the order is created by the EOD process. A reference number for the PO line in Alma, as provided by the vendor. Serves as a matching point for identifying a PO line in Alma.

      Vendor reference number type: this will self populate in the EOD process; it is the vendor matching/ref number for imports and overlays

      Note to vendor: used for any notes for the vendor


      Vendor invoice number: no need to fill in manually. Appears when the PO line was uploaded from an EOD file 


      This section appears collapsed by default


      Additional PO line reference: The reference code by which you want to identify the current PO line.

       Other POL Tabs


      The following tabs are not used during POL creation, but hold data throughout the life of an order:


      • Notes: allows one to add, update, or delete notes for the PO line; it will also include the Aleph Library note field for migrated orders

      Completing the POL


      After entering all the mandatory and pertinent information in the POL, click on one of the following actions on the top Purchase order line details bar:

      To place the order, choose Save and continue or Order now;

      • Save and continue – The information you entered is saved and the PO line continues to the next stage of the workflow (review rules are not checked) which most likely is to place the order via Manual or Auto-packaging
      • Order now – Enables you to process an order for a PO line, which moves the PO line to the purchasing workflow where it is normalized (checked) and validated before being packaged and sent to the vendor.  You will see a Confirmation message which lists some out of the box alerts

          Note: staff will receive an Order notification email when using the Order Now command. We cannot turn these off.

          • The email is evidence of a successful process

          • Staff will also get an email if it was an unsuccessful process; here is an image of that email:
