- When restoring records deleted by a user, only records deleted by the last action performed by that user are restored.
- Restoring a bibliographic record restores all records that were deleted together with it, for example holdings and item records, or portfolios or collections. (Note, though, that only records deleted during the same step will be restored. If you deleted multiple holdings individually, only the final holding will be restored with the bib record.)
- Restoring an item record restores its higher level records, for example holdings and bibliographic records, but not other records that were under its associated bibliographic record.
See also Ex Libris documentation: Configuring Search Indexes.
Restore a deleted item
Before beginning
To restore a previously deleted item, you need the individual item PIDitem PID. The PID is the Alma system number for item or holdings records. Note: Neither the barcode nor the bib MMS ID can be used to look up a deleted item for restorationFor more information about the PID field, see Ex Libris documentation Configuring Search Indexes.
Note: You cannot search for deleted items using the barcode or the associated title MMS ID.
If you only have the item barcode, you can use it to find the PID:
Restore a deleted item by PID
Searching by PID is usually the fastest, most reliable way to search for deleted items. Searching by the user who performed the deletion is not always
Restoring an item will also restore any holdings and/or bib records that were deleted along with it if the item was the last record on the holding/bib. You'll see a confirmation dialog that specifies all of the records that will be restored.
Other ways to search for deleted records for restoration
Searching by While using the MMS ID/PID is typically the fastest, most reliable way to find deleted records for restoration. Other , other searches may be useful depending on context: