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Analytics & Reporting
February 2020 Analytics
The new Fund Rules dimension was added to the Fund Expenditure subject area. It includes the following fields:
- When selecting Acquisitions > Import > Load Usage data it took more than seven seconds for the page to load. This was fixed.
- Two portfolios connected to two different bibliographic records with the same ISBN / ISSN did not link properly to the Community Zone. This was fixed. The recommended workflow is to avoid creating bibliographic records with the same ISBN / ISSN.
- E activation link from advanced search did not work. This was fixed and works as expected now from both searches (simple & advanced).
- When selecting Acquisitions > Import > Load Usage data it took more than seven seconds for the page to load. This was fixed.
Quick Printing Option for Multiple Records: When printing call slips for multiple items, you can select several items and print slips for all of them in one action with the Quick Print functionality. The quick print functionality aggregates all the slips into a single PDF (within a popup window) and allows the operator to either send these to a designated printer or save the created PDF to a file. See Pickup at Shelf.
- Export Users job sometimes failed to upload XML file due to invalid characters. This was fixed, the invalid characters are removed before retrying to upload the file.
- If an item's barcode was changed while the item was in a work order, the item was sometimes not found when searching for it by the new barcode on the Manage in Process Items page. This was fixed.
- When SMS was activated, if the Loans - Overdue and Lost Item job failed to send an SMS message because there is no preferred SMS number on the User Detail page, the job completion status was set to Completed with Errors. Now the SMS message is not sent, without causing the job status to be Complete with Errors. The SMS messages which were not sent will continue to be reported inside the job report as before.
- Placing a request on a title with multiple items that belong to remote storage failed under a specific configuration. This was fixed.
- Previously, if a library was removed from a lost loan profile, the locations list still remained saved on the profile, even though it was not displayed in the UI. Additionally, if a library and locations were selected, removing the location(s) from the profile did not work. Both issues are fixed.
- When requesting an ASRS remote storage item, sometimes the request appeared in Alma with a status of Request Communicated to Remote Storage, even though the communication with the ASRS server failed. Now, if the communication fails, Alma cancels the request with cancellation reason: Failed to communicate with remote storage.
- Previously, in some circumstances, when a user requested a title from primo with two holdings or more, a pickup location appeared in the drop-down list that was not applicable. This was fixed.In some cases, the locate process did not run for a partner and therefor left it in the rota, despite not having any items for the request. This was fixed. The Manual Locate Job now runs on all relevant partners.Chapter author and chapter title are now determined by the content of SLNP message
Resource Management