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(red star) Known Issue with Diacritics / non-Latin Characters

If the record has diacritics or non-Latin characters, the characters will not come through correctly unless you first load a record from OCLC. This issue is specific to the way Connexion brings in records from Alma and is not within our configuration control. It is recommended that if you are going to bring records into Connexion from Alma, you need to follow these steps:

  • You must have your "File - Import Records - Record Characteristics" set to UTF-8.

  • When you first open Connexion, please log onto OCLC, search for, and display a record in Connexion. What this does is force Connexion to check your preferred character set (which you should already have set to UTF-8 Unicode) so that records you get from Alma will be in UTF-8, not in MARC-8.

  • You can use a macro, as described below, to perform the OCLC load so that you don't have to remember to do it each time you log on.
  • If you do not load a record from OCLC before loading a record from Alma, you will get your Alma record in MARC-8, which means that almost all special characters will appear as garbage.

  • If you still have trouble seeing diacritics/non-Latin, you may need to install the Arial Unicode MS font on your computer. You can put this font on your computer by downloading the .ttf file ARIALUNI.TTF and putting it in C:\Windows\Fonts

Note that there are NO issues with exporting records to Alma from Connexion.


  • Exporting from Connexion to Alma is fine
  • Bringing in OCLC records into Alma via Search External Resources is fine
  • From within Connexion, bringing in Alma records is problematic unless you follow the above stepsIf you still have trouble, it could be because you need to have the right font. Attached here is the Arial Unicode MS Font, which you need to put in the C:\Windows\Fonts folder.
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An On-Startup Macro for Automatically Loading a Record from OCLC
