Actions available per Role
Action | Admin | Lead | Write | Read |
Create user | Y |
Deactivate user | Y | Y |
Add role to user | Y | Y |
Remove role from user | Y | Y |
Search for user | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Create Naming Authority | Y | Y |
Deactivate Naming Authority | Y | Y |
Search for a Naming Authority | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Create URN | Y | Y | Y |
Change URL for a URN | Y | Y | Y |
Deactivate URN | Y | Y | Y |
Search for URN | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Roles are valid for specific Naming Authorities, so that permissions for one Naming Authority are independent from permissions in another Naming Authority. For instance, a user can be in a ‘Lead’ role for HUL.ARCH and have a ‘Write’ role for FHCL. In this case, the user could add a new child Naming Authority under HUL.ARCH but not in FHCL.
The “Deactivate” button will prevent a user from logging into NRS Admin.
Add a role to an existing user
From the Edit User page, you can add a role in the "Manage Roles" section. Only Lead, Read, and Write roles should be used.
Roles are for specific Naming Authorities based on the beginning of the name, or "Path Pattern". Granting a user the Lead role for HUL.EBOOKBATCH will give the user the same permissions for any Naming Authority starting with HUL.EBOOKBATCH, like HUL.EBOOKBATCH.ASP_BATCH