Versions Compared


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POL OwnerNumber of ItemsNotesTSWG Comments
Arnold Arboretum Horticultural Library8Latest item is for 2011 issue
Biblioteca Berenson74

Botany Ames Orchid3

Botany Arnold (Cambridge)23

Botany Farlow Library7Latest item is for 2012 issue
Botany Gray Herbarium20

Center for Hellenic Studies1Item is for 2008 issue
Dumbarton Oaks15

Harvard Law School Acquisitions53

Harvard Yenching2Items created in 2005 and 2007
ITS 625 Acquisitions1759477 of the POLs are canceled/closed
ITS at Langdell1064180 of the POLs are canceled/closed
Littauer23All orders are canceled/closed
Loeb Music Library130

Widener Library1Item is for 2001 issue
Widener Library Acquisitions (European Lang. Div.)34

Widener Library Acquisitions (Greek)6All orders are closed
Widener Library Acquisitions (Judaica)2Both orders are closed; items created in 2007 and 2008VS has addressed these.
Widener Library Acquisitions (Middle East)27



POL OwnerNumber of ItemsNotesTSWG Comments
Arnold Arboretum Horticultural Library2951 associated with closed POL
Biblioteca Berenson33960 associated with closed/canceled POLs
Botany Arnold (Cambridge)1613 associated with closed/canceled POLs
Botany Economic2POLs are closed
Botany Farlow Library42 associated with closed/canceled POLs
Botany Gray Herbarium83 associated with closed POLs
Center for Hellenic Studies37955 associated with closed POLs
Center for Science and International Affairs628


Dumbarton Oaks10342 associated with closed/canceled POLs
East Asian Resource Center1

Fung Library1POL is canceled
Fung Library Acquisitions (Davis)8026 associated with closed POLS
Fung Library Acquisitions (DCJ)125

Fung Library Acquisitions (Fairbank)123

Harvard Law School Library Acquisitions43362 associated with closed/canceled POLs
Harvard Yenching Library1771318 associated with closed/canceled POLs
ITS 625 Acquisitions21634 associated with closed/canceled POLs
ITS at Langdell116 associated with closed/canceled POLs
John G. Wolbach Library135

Kummel Geological Sci15

Lamont Library169 associated with closed/canceled POLs

Loeb Music Library330180 associated with closed/canceled POLs
Social Relations-Sociology Library4

Widener Library5

Widener Library Acquisitions (European Lang. Div.)533317 associated with closed/canceled POLs
Widener Library Acquisitions (Greek)2Both POLs closed/canceled
Widener Library Acquisitions (Judaica)96 associated with closed/canceled POLsVS has addressed these.
Widener Library Acquisitions (Middle East)151



POL OwnerNumber of ItemsNotesTSWG Comments
Biblioteca Berenson5All are standing order non monograph
Botany Arnold (Cambridge)1POL is closed
Botany Economic1POL is closed
Botany Farlow Library2POLs are closed
Botany Gray Herbarium1POL is closed
Center for Hellenic Studies7POLs are closed
Dumbarton Oaks41Only 2 POLs are active
Fung Library Acquisitions (Davis)34POLs are closed
Fung Library Acquisitions (DCJ)4POLs are closed
Fung Library Acquisitions (Fairbanks)1POL is closed
Harvard Law School Library Acquisitions25Only 4 POLs are active
Harvard Yenching Library258Only 27 POLs are active
Houghton Library1POL is closed
ITS 625 Acquisitions2246174 POLs are active
ITS at Langdell176Only 14 POLs are active
John G. Wolbach Library5POLs are closed
Lamont Library1

Littauer7POLs are closed
Loeb Music Library141Only 1 POL is active
Poetry Room (Lamont)4POLs are closed
Widener Library49POLs are closed
Widener Library Acquisitions (European Lang. Div.)296Only 1 POL active
Widener Library Acquisitions (Greek)83POLs are closed
Widener Library Acquisitions (Judaica)63POLs are closedVS has addressed these.
Widener Library Acquisitions (Middle East)54245 POLs are active
