Course Reserves/Leganto
Instructors can now create Read and Respond assignments on course materials, requiring students to read and annotate PDF files as directed by the instructor. (LTI 1.3)
- Updated tag workflow: Previously, when adding or removing tags from a citation, a user selected the Add tag option, then selected or removed the tags, then selected SAVE. Now, users can select Add Tag and select the relevant tags, which are saved automatically.
- Leganto now includes an Initial Request for Review field which tracks the first time a list was sent to a library for review. Additionally, the Request for Review Date field was renamed Current Request for Review, and it displays the most recent date a list was sent for review. Both dates are reset when the list is copied, duplicated, or rolled over.
When a user scrolls down in Leganto, the top panel is now hidden, providing more space on the screen for the reading list. The top panel reappears when scrolling back to the top.
When an Alma Digital item is not available because the number of concurrent users has reached the limit, the brief view of the citation now displays Join the waitlist instead of View online. When selecting Join the waitlist for the resource, users can join the queue for the resource and will receive a notification when the item becomes viewable.
Previously, when using Cite It! if the type was not recognized, the type Other was assigned. Now instead of Other, the type Website is assigned.
Previously, Leganto recorded when a list status changed from draft to published. In this release, a new event was added to the Recent Changes tab (Fulfillment > Reading List) that also records when a list status changes from published back to draft.
When enabled (Configuration > Leganto > Notifications - instructors > List status changed to draft), all those set to receive notifications will also receive a notification that a list was changed from published to draft. The default for this notification is disabled.
- Improvements were made to the Accessibility menu in the user settings.
Previously, when an operator with the role Course Reserves Manager with a library Scope opened the Reading Lists Task list, the Assigned to others tab was missing. This was fixed
- CDI changes
- The "Do not show as Full Text available in CDI even if active in Alma" checkbox on the CDI tab is now disabled for inactive electronic collections.
- A searchable "Hybrid" value will be added where appropriate to CDI-related descriptive fields.
- Ability to limit user permissions for electronic inventory by library - Although this feature is disabled, we now have the option to limit the ability to edit, delete, and activate/deactivate electronic collections and portfolios by library.
- If enabled, no portfolio can be owned by a library different than the one defined at the electronic collection level. In addition, libraries defined at the portfolio level will be automatically removed, except where no library is defined at the electronic collection level.
- SUSHI harvesting can fail when processing large files. When sending a request for 12 months, the tr_j4 report will now use the new "Customer Harvest" functionality with a period of two months.
- Nothing of note