Versions Compared


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ETDs from ProQuest can have a variety of files and file types.  Each file will need a separate DRS Object and be assinged a 'Role' in DRS.

For example, a ProQuest ETD could have the following files

  • Thesis in PDF format
  • Mets.xml file
  • License files in PDF (or other) formats
  • Supplementary files, such as thesis appendices, data sets, videos, etc,. in a variety of formats

Preparing a batch

  • Get the file information for all files from the mets.xml FileSec
    • Filename
    • Mime-type
    • Use category - CONTENT or LICENSE
    • AMDID - amd_primary, amd_supplemental, amd_license 
  • Create Object OSNs based on ProQuest ID, school code and Role
  • Create File OSNs based on ProQuest ID and Role
  • Create mapping.txt file to associate files with appropriate Object OSN and File OSN
  • Locate the MARCXML file for the ETD and generate a MODS file
  • Get DASH URN from MARCXML if present
  • Get Alma MMSID by using query with ProQuestETD ID
