Packages from ProQuest
ETDs from ProQuest can have a variety of files and file types. Each file will need a separate DRS Object and be assinged assigned a 'Role' in DRS.
For example, a ProQuest ETD could have the following files
- Thesis in PDF format
- Metsmets.xml file
- License files in PDF (or other) formats
- Supplementary files, such as thesis appendices, data sets, videos, etc,. in a variety of formats
DRS Roles and Relationships
In DRS objects and files are assigned roles to help categorize material as well as facilitate relationships between objects. (NEED link to DRS Guide section)
File to DRS Role mapping
File from ETD | DRS Role | Relationship from THESIS object |
Thesis PDF | THESIS | - |
Each supplementary file | THESIS_SUPPLEMENT | HAS_SUPPLEMENT |
License files | LICENSE | (Rights Block) |
Preparing a batch
- Get the file information for all files from the mets.xml FileSec
- Filename
- Mime-type
- Use category - CONTENT or LICENSE
- AMDID - amd_primary, amd_supplemental, amd_license
- Create Object OSNs based on ProQuest ID, school code and Role
- Create File OSNs based on ProQuest ID and Role
- Create mapping.txt file to associate files with appropriate Object OSN and File OSN
- Locate the MARCXML file for the ETD and generate a MODS file
- Get DASH URN from MARCXML if present
- Get Alma MMSID by using query with ProQuestETD ID