Examine the 'fileSec' part of the mets.xml file to identify the files in the ETD.
- Get the file information for all files from the mets.xml FileSec
- Filename
- Mime-type
- Use category - CONTENT or LICENSE
- AMDID - amd_primary, amd_supplemental, amd_license
- Create Object OSNs based on ProQuest ID, school code and Role
- Create File OSNs based on ProQuest ID and Role
- Create mapping.txt file to associate files with appropriate Object OSN and File OSN
- Get DASH URN from MARCXML if present
- Get Alma MMSID by using query with ProQuestETD ID
Create an object for each file
- Content Model based on file Mime-type
- Role based on Use category and AMDID
- Primary PDF thesis gets ROLE=THESIS
- Other files in CONTENT group get ROLE=THESIS_SUPPLEMENT
- Files in ‘LICENSE’ group get ROLE=LICENSE
- Mets.xml file gets ROLE=DOCUMENTATION
- File with ROLE=THESIS gets MODS descriptive metadata
Add relationships and Harvard Metadata inks to THESIS Object
- Has_supplement
- Has_licence
- Has _documentation
- HOLLIS link based on MMSID
- DASH link based on DASH ID
Files in ETD Submission directory
Code Block | ||||
| ||||
<fileSec> <fileGrp ID="etdadmin-mets-fgrp-1" USE="CONTENT"> <file GROUPID="etdadmin-mets-file-group" ID="etdadmin-mets-file-2132021" MIMETYPE="application/pdf" ADMID="amd_primary" SEQ="1"> <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href="thesis_pdfa_allisonhyatt.pdf"/> </file> <file GROUPID="etdadmin-mets-file-group" ID="etdadmin-mets-file-2132069" MIMETYPE="application/pdf" ADMID="amd_supplemental_1" SEQ="1"> <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href="appendices_pdfa_allisonhyatt.pdf"/> </file> </fileGrp> <fileGrp ID="etdadmin-mets-fgrp-2" USE="LICENSE"> <file GROUPID="etdadmin-mets-file-group" ID="etdadmin-mets-file-2046147" MIMETYPE="application/pdf" ADMID="amd_license_2046147"> <FLocat LOCTYPE="URL" xlink:href="setup_2E592954-F85C-11EA-ABB1-E61AE629DA94.pdf"/> </file> </fileGrp> </fileSec> |
- Get the file information for all files from the mets.xml FileSec
- Filename
- Mime-type
- Use category - CONTENT or LICENSE
- AMDID - amd_primary, amd_supplemental, amd_license
- Create Object OSNs based on ProQuest ID, school code and Role
- Create File OSNs based on ProQuest ID and Role
- Create mapping.txt file to associate files with appropriate Object OSN and File OSN
- Get DASH URN from MARCXML if present
- Get Alma MMSID by using query with ProQuestETD ID
Create an object for each file
- Content Model based on file Mime-type
- Role based on Use category and AMDID
- Primary PDF thesis gets ROLE=THESIS
- Other files in CONTENT group get ROLE=THESIS_SUPPLEMENT
- Files in ‘LICENSE’ group get ROLE=LICENSE
- Mets.xml file gets ROLE=DOCUMENTATION
- File with ROLE=THESIS gets MODS descriptive metadata
Add relationships and Harvard Metadata inks to THESIS Object
- Has_supplement
- Has_licence
- Has _documentation
- HOLLIS link based on MMSID
- DASH link based on DASH ID
Files in ETD Submission directory
Variables from fileSec
Variable | Source | Example |
Filename | FLocat xlink:href | thesis_pdfa_allisonhyatt.pdf |
Mime-type | file MIMETYPE | application/pdf |
USE type | fileGrp USE | CONTENT |
ADMID | file ADMID | amd_primary |