- Record identifiers such as ISBN or OCLC are sent to book cover providers, which return an image that is displayed in the Primo search results.
- Most covers come from Google, followed by Syndetics.
- Records that are part of Scanned Key Content via DRS deposits have book covers chosen by staff. These take precedence over covers provided by other sources.
- For any journals that are supported by Browzine, we use the cover images from Browzine, which are based on an ISSN match.
Sample message to Google when the error is on their end
We display book covers from Google in our catalog. A user has reported an error. Subject: book cover for wrong book
When we send this identifier to Google:
(insert direct link)
Google returns the wrong image and/or title.The correct title for this work is: an image for a different book. The image Google is providing shows the book title "XXX." But the identifier (insert type and number here, e.g. OCLC 1234) is for an entirely different resource: "YYY."
Syndetics Troubleshooting