Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


    • At times in the past, the policy was to suppress, not delete, holdings that were withdrawn or transferred. When you encounter these holdings in the course of your work, please delete them (and bibs if applicable). 
    • Alternatively, you may create an item, then withdraw the item using best practice guidelines. This will make the item reportable in Analytics. This option is only necessary if your unit has an explicit requirement regarding the reporting of material no longer held in the library (which may be the case for some special collections). 
    • Examples: 
      • A WID GEN holding is suppressed with a note indicating that it was transferred to HD. A separate, active HD holding and item exists for the resource. Action: delete the WID GEN holding.  
      • A suppressed LAW GEN holding has a note indicating that the item was withdrawn due to water damage. There is no item, and the bib is suppressed. Action: delete the bib and the holding. 

EXCEPTIONS to deletion policy - please read next section. 

The deletion of holdings and bibs for withdrawn resources is especially important in Alma. Otherwise, the resources are assumed to be parts of the collection that need to be managed. System functions for managing the collection continue to apply to suppressed records, such as authority control processes. 

Reminder: unlike Aleph, staff can view information about withdrawn items and deleted bibliographic records and holdings records in Alma Analytics. Also, POs, POLs, and Invoices continue to exist in Alma with limited bibliographic information even when the associated bib is deleted. 

When to Suppress Bibs & Holdings 


        • Suppress the holding if there are no items held by the library
        • Add field 909 $r with the text: Retain record for acq decision
        • This subfield 909 $r is now a controlled vocabulary in Alma with a single allowed value (Retain record for acq decision), therefore once you start typing the system will offer a suggestion for the rest of the text. Do not add additional text. This will help with consistent reporting. 
        • If you need to add additional free-text information, please do so in 909 $x. 
        • The past practice was to add 909 $k \*sra
