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Holdings record field

What it means


Contains OCLC Number of the master record on which our holdings were set by the Bibliographic Data Sync process. Do not manually type anything in the 014 field.  Doing so thwarts Data Sync automated processes and produces inaccurate data in OCLC. 

904System use only: A copy of 014, it is used for system purposes during the Data Sync process. Do not edit or delete 904 fields.
990Local Holdings Record Number (LHRN). Do not edit or delete a 990 field.

OCLC rejection note. Automatically added to Alma bib when the Bibliographic Data Sync is not successful. See OCLC Data Sync: Processing rejected records

no 014

Lack of an 014 means one of the following:

  • 914 NO-WORLDCAT field present in Alma bib
; OR
  • Alma holdings record is suppressed
; OR, bib
  • Bib record was rejected during Data Sync
; OR, bib is an; OR, bib
  • as having "Insufficient elements for reporting to OCLC"
  • Bib is non-English language of cataloging
  • Bib and holding were added recently and have not been through the Bibliographic Data Sync process which runs on the first of the month. 

Scripts that maintain our holdings in WorldCat


  • Cataloging and bib editing are done in OCLC.  These procedures assume you are working in Connexion. See current policy on cataloging in Connexion.
  • If your situation is different from those listed above, please report it to the LTS Alma Support Center.
    • In the subject field of the form: "Scenario not covered on OCLC Data Sync Maintaining Holdings wiki page"
    • Choose category "Metadata Corrections"
    • Include MMS IDs and OCLC Numbers of any records referenced in the description of the problem
  • When in doubt, don’t change records, report them!
  • Do not add holdings to OCLC manually.


The Bib 914 NO-WORLDCAT field prevents bibs being sent and holdings being set in OCLC. It is most commonly added to vendor-supplied records that have coding problems. If the field is not present in the bib the record will be reported to OCLC via the Bibliographic Data Sync process. To prevent holdings from being set, follow the best practices below. Further explanation of the field can be found in the Harvard defined MARC fields document, and on the Best Practice for Use of Field 914 (NO-WORLDCAT) page. 

Best practice for use of bib field 914

    • DO NOT USE this field solely because material is on order, recently received or uncataloged.
    • Use for records that are so brief when created that they will cause duplicates in OCLC (e.g. bibs created for acquisitions purposes that lack a publication date)
    • Use for records representing equipment or other items that should not be reported to OCLC (e.g. loaner laptops).
    • Use for special collections materials you don't want to report to OCLC/ArchiveGrid because they are not processed.
    • Suppressed records do not require a 914 field.
    • Certain vendor records that are fuller but have inconsistent/incorrect data and therefore cause duplicates in OCLC have a 914 field added as part of the data loads process.
