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BatchBuilder is the main tool used to organize content for deposit into DRS.  A 'batch' is the group of files and directories that is sent to DRS for deposit. Each batch has at least one 'object' of some content model along with a descriptor file, descriptor.xml, that has technical, administrative, and preservation metadata for each object and any of its files.  In order to be deposited, each batch also needs an xml file, batch.xml, that has information about all the objects in the batch.  A batch can include objects of different content models. BatchBuilder recreates the descriptor.xml and batch.xml files every time it processes a batch so to capture any edits to the objects since the last batch generation.


NOTE: In order to create relationships between objects in the same batch, the object that is the SOURCE of the relationship, e.g. HAS_SUPPLEMENT, has to be deposited after the object that is the TARGET of the relationship, e.g. the object with the SUPPLEMENT role. When using the CLI version of BatchBuilder, if the objects are names named so that the SOURCE object is always alphabetically after the TARGET, BatchBuilder will create a batch that will have the correct relationships when deposited into DRS.


ProQuest site codeSchoolDegree - ExmplesExamplesDRS Billing codeURN Authority path
CollegeSchool of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Bachelor of Arts (A.B.)

Bachelor of Science (S.B.)




Division of Continuing Education

Master of Liberal Arts (ALM)HUL.ARCH.ETHESIS.DCE_0001HUL.ARCH
DIVHarvard Divinity SchoolDoctor of Theology (ThD)HUL.ARCH.EDISS.THD_0001HUL.ARCH
GSASGraduate School of Arts and Sciences    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)HUL.ARCH.EDISS.PHD_0001HUL.ARCH
GSDGraduate School of Design

Doctor of Design (DDes)



GSEGraduate School of EducationDoctor of Education (Ed.D.)HUL.ARCH.EDISS.EDD_0001HUL.ARCH
EDLDGraduate School of EducationDoctor of Education Leadership (Ed.L.D.)HUL.ARCH.EDISS.EDLC_0001HUL.ARCH
HBSHarvard Business School

Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)



HMSHarvard Medical School

Doctor of Medicine (M.D)



HSDMHarvard School of Dental MedicineDoctor of Medical Sciences (D.M.Sc)HMS.COUNT.HSDMT_0001HMS.COUNT
HSPHHarvard T.H. Chan School of Public HealthDoctor of Science (S.D.)HMS.COUNT.HSPHT_0001HMS.COUNT


  • Content Model based on file Mime-type
  • Role based on Use category and AMDID
    • Primary PDF thesis gets ROLE=THESIS
    • Objects for files in CONTENT group get ROLE=THESIS_SUPPLEMENT
    • Objects for files in ‘LICENSE’ group get ROLE=LICENSE
    • Object that has the mets.xml file gets ROLE=DOCUMENTATION
  • Object with ROLE=THESIS gets:
    • MODS descriptive metadata from Alma using MMSID
    • Has_supplement relationship to all objects with THESIS_SUPPLEMENT Roles
    • Has_licence license relationship to all objects with LICENSE Role
    • Has _documentation relationship to all objects with DOCUMENTATION Roles
    • HOLLIS link based on MMSID in Harvard Metadata link
    • DASH link based on DASH ID in Harvard Metadata link
  • Object with any ROLE gets:
    • Harvard Metadata link of type 'Local' with label ProQuestID; value = PQ-[PROQUEST_IDENTIFIER_VALUE]
