*Text Content Model doesn't support the ARCHIVAL_MASTER role for files
ETD deposits into DRS - data validation
- Each batch should have the objects for only one ETD
- Each batch should have one and only one Thesis, i.e. a Document Object with ROLE=Thesis
- Each object in an ETD batch should have Harvard Metadata Link values for the ProQuest ID (type=local) and Alma ID (type=alma)
- If there is a DASH ID, it should be added to Harvard Metadata Links as a DASH type
- The Thesis document object should have MODS metadata from HOLLIS using the Alma MMSID
- The Thesis document object should have a defined relationship with all the other objects in the ETD batch
- Embargo information should be recorded in the Thesis and Supplements
- All the files listed in the fileSec of the mets.xml should match a file in the zip package
- Filenames should be sanitized before creating DRS batches
- Each file in the zip package, except the mets.xml, should have an entry in the fileSec of the mets.xml
- Each file in the zip package should be in one and only one object in the ETD batch
- The ProQuest ID for any new object should not be in a previously deposited DRS object.