- Find your set via the Staff record sets HOLLIS page. Reminder - this page is not intended for patron use.
- Click on your set. The resulting URL is the stable URL you can use to link patrons to your set. For example, https://hollis.harvard.edu/primo-explore/collectionDiscovery?vid=HVD2&collectionId=812473563080003941
- Note that in HOLLIS Staff record sets, record "clustering" is turned off on the Staff Record Set page. You will only see the MMS ID of the title you added to the collection in Alma. won't see the "More print & online options" link until you open a bib.
- You can also search standard HOLLIS by collection ID to get a "normal" set of results, e.g. search HOLLIS by 812473563080003941.
- Using this method, record clustering remains "on." For example, if the print title is in your set, and we also have the e-title, you will see the cluster with both in the search results.