General Information
To participate in this workshop, you will need working copies of the described software. Please make sure to install everything (or at least to download the installers) before the start of your workshop. Participants are strongly encouraged to bring and use their own laptops to insure ensure the proper setup of tools for an efficient workflow once you leave the workshop.
This workshop was sponsored by the HMS Tools and Technology Committee (TnT) and the Harvard NeuroDiscovery Center (HNDC).
The structure, objectives, and workflow of this workshop is derived from the Data Carpentry genomics workshop. Data Carpentry is supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and a partnership of several NSF-funded BIO Centers (NESCent, iPlant, iDigBio, BEACON and SESYNC) and Software Carpentry. The structure and objectives of the curriculum as well as the teaching style are informed by Software Carpentry.