Requirements: Participants with there own laptop require a few specific software packages installed (listed belowlisted below).
Contact: Please email hbctraining@hsph.harvard.edu for more information.
Anchor Requirements Requirements
1. Create your own account on Orchestra, if you do not already have one. Please do this ASAP.
An HMS eCommons ID is required to create your account on Orchestra Supercomputer. If you are unsure whether you have an account or forgot your password, there is a self-service link on the eCommons website: https://ecommons.med.harvard.edu/.
In order to create your own account on Orchestra, please do the following:
Go to: https://rc.hms.harvard.edu/#orchestra
Click the “Account Request” button (red). That will bring up a web-form on your screen for user account request.
Please fill out the required fields (Name, eCommons ID, HMS (or affiliated) email address, and Organization/Department you belong to).
Once the account gets created, you will get an email from HMS Research Computing with a confirmation.
2. We strongly recommend that you bring your own computer, although we will have computers available.
If you do bring your own computer:
a) install the following programs
Mac users
1. Java
2. Filezilla
3. Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV)
3. Text Wrangler or Sublime Text
Windows users
1. Putty
2. Java
3. Filezilla
4. Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV)
3. Notepad++
If you would like us to check your installations prior to class, please arrive at 8:30am on Thursday, and email us any questions about the installations.
b) be able to plug into the network (the wifi network is quite slow so Macbook Airs are not recommended!)
c) bring a power cord