UNIX and HPC exercises
Answer key can be found here.
# Logging in and starting an interactive job
1. Log into Orchestra O2 and start a single core interactive job.
# Practicing Unix commands and using vim
2. Make a new directory called homework
inside your ~/ngs_coursechipseq
directory. Change directories to your homework
- What is the absolute path of your current directory?
- Copy both of the
files to thehomework
directory inside of your ~/ngs_coursechipseq directory.
5. Change directories to your home directory. Locate and enter the raw_data folder (Hint: this was from the rna-seq portion of Session I).
- How many reads were obtained for this sample?
- What was the command you used for determining the number of reads in your file?
# Practicing more advanced commands, including for_loops, redirection, scripts.
7. Using the pipe command from the previous question, write a for_loop
to determine the number of reads obtained for every fastq sample in the homework
- Upload the
script to your folder on the course wiki homework page (see link above).
# Practicing FastQC
10. Exit the interactive session (compute node) and go back to the login node (loge or mezzanine).
- Use Filezilla to download the zipped files to your own computer and examine the FastQC reports.
- Which samples have quality scores that drop below a score of 25?
- Do any samples have adapter contamination based on the information in the FastQC report?
- Upload the
script to your folder on the course wiki homework page (see link above).
# Metadata
11. Enter the rnaseq folder, and create a README file (hint: use vim
to create the file), as described in the Exercise section of the Data Management lesson. Give a short description of the project and brief descriptions of the types of files you will be storing within each of the sub-directories.
- to your folder on the course wiki homework page (see link above).