ChIP-seq Practice Exercises
***NOTE: When working on O2, be sure to run this in /n/scratch2/ rather than your home directory .****
# ChIP-Seq Analysis Workflow
1. Create a directory on /n/scratch2
using your eCommons user ID as the directory name. Within that directory create a directory called
- Align reads with Bowtie2 using the parameters we used in class.
NOTE: For the Bowtie2 index you will need to point to the hg19 index files from:/n/groups/shared_databases/igenome/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/hg19/Sequence/Bowtie2Index/
- Change alignment file format from SAM to BAM (can be done using samtools or sambamba)
- Sort the BAM file by read coordinate locations (can be done using sambamba or with samtools)
- Filter to keep only uniquely mapping reads (this will also remove any unmapped reads and duplicates) using sambamba
- Index the final BAM file. This will be useful for visualization and QC.
**NOTE: The script will require positional parameters, and using basename will help with the naming of output files**